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How to Add/Update Board and Staff Members

Go to the “Board Members” or “Staff Members” button on the left side navigation depending on which you want to edit.

To edit:

  1. Click on the name of the staff or board member you want to edit.
  2. Make the text or image changes within the window.
  3. Once you are happy with your edits, click the blue “Update” button.
  4. Refresh the page in your browser and view the page.
    • In some cases, you may need to logout of your site in order to properly view the changes. When logged in, the bar at top can rarely cause the page to not look correct.

To Add:

  1. Click on “Add New”.
  2. Type in the name of the staff or board member in the title box.
  3. In the Custom Fields box below the main content area, you will find fields to fill out, such as Title, Company, Phone Number, Email, etc. Fill out as many of these as you choose.
  4. At the bottom of the Custom Fields box is the option to upload a photo of the board or staff member. It’s best to upload a square photo that is at least 400 x 400 pixels in size.
  5. When you are ready to make your changes live, click on the blue “Publish” button.

If you have any questions or problems, please don’t hesitate to contact and/or 850.215.2331.

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