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City of Lynn Haven Private Property Debris Removal

The City of Lynn Haven will be accepting applications for the Private Property Debris Removal and Demolition Program starting April 1st through June 1st. This program is designed for private property owners that need assistance with clearing their property from Hurricane Michael related storm debris and for demolition projects necessary post Hurricane. Tetra Tech, the City’s Disaster Recovery Consultant Firm, will be operating as the City’s consultant through the course of this program and will be helping to process the applications with FEMA.

Applications for the Private Property Debris Removal and Demolition Program will be available on the City of Lynn Haven website, and printed copies can be picked up/completed in-person at Fire Station 1 located at 1412 Pennsylvania Ave. Instructions and a list of necessary documentation for applying are located on the application itself. Applications and supporting documentation may be turned in, in-person to Tetra Tech Representatives Monday through Friday from 1 pm to 6 pm at Fire Station 1 as early as April 1st and alternating Saturdays from 7:30 am to 11:30 am starting April 6th. Applications with supporting documentation can also be turned in via email at, or via mail following the directions outlined in the application.

As Mayor Margo Anderson stated, “We understand that many Citizens are still struggling with clearing their properties from Hurricane Michael. This program is a great way for our City staff to partner with other organizations like FEMA to ensure that these Citizens are taken care of while simultaneously helping the City as a whole by preventing and removing potential threats to public health and safety”.

For more information on this assistance program please call the PPDR Program Team at 850-704-5768 or email