Harrison Sale McCloy Attorneys at Law, HSMc, Founding Partner Douglas J. Sale has been published in the Stetson Law Review. His inclusion, FREE ENTERPRISE VS. ECONOMIC INCENTIVES: THE EVOLUTION OF THE “PUBLIC PURPOSE” FULCRUM was published in the May 2017 Edition.
“Representing local governments and private businesses since the 1970’s in Northwest Florida where we have seen substantial economic expansion, our lawyers have been active in developing a variety of projects that have leveraged a good but of private investment with the use of limited public assets. Each of these projects had to yield an acceptable return to the private investor but, at the same time, had to serve a public purpose that met the standards set by the Florida Constitution. Over the past half century those standards were amended by the citizens at referendum once and have been reinterpreted by the courts many times,” Sale stated.
“In writing this article, it was my intent to show the history of that evolution and share our experience with practical ways to place
these types of projects on sound, constitutional as well as economic footings. The public policy incorporated in these constitutional standards is precisely the same debate ongoing between Governor Scott and House Speaker Corcoran over economic incentives, pejoratively labelled corporate welfare. That debate is not new.”
The Stetson Law Review is published three times a year and addresses contemporary topics that are relevant both nationally and to Florida practitioners. Sale’s 50 page article is included as the lead article in Volume 46:3, page 481. http://www.stetson.edu/law/lawreview/current.php