Join us in the Student Union East at Gulf Coast State College for our Education Encore registration kickoff event on Tuesday, August 29, beginning at 8:00 am.
All are welcome to enjoy a cup of coffee and camaraderie with old and new friends, and in preparation for our upcoming Gulf Coast State College 60th Anniversary celebration, we will invite participants to join us in identifying historical photos during the morning of the event in the 2nd floor Student Union East conference room.
Education Encore is offered by Corporate College twice a year during the fall and spring semesters and provides enrichment classes on a variety of topics for active senior adults. “To me the most important aspect of the ENCORE program is that it provides the citizens of Bay County the opportunity to be life-long learners,” Norm Capra – Education Encore advisory council member.
The Panama City campus classes are held for six consecutive Fridays, September 22 through October 27. For more information visit or call 872.3823.