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Final Hurricane Debris Pickup for Lynn Haven

Final Hurricane Debris Pickup for Lynn Haven

The Lynn Haven City Commission passed on Tuesday, April 23rd to do a final citywide hurricane debris pickup for all remaining residential debris. Mayor Anderson said at the Commission meeting on Tuesday that she spoke with Acting City Manager Vickie Gainer and department heads concerning all the debris left in the City and decided that another final blitz was necessary. The Commission agreed this final citywide pickup was needed. Acting City Manager Vickie Gainer stated, “We have received many requests from residents asking for additional pickups, we thought now, six months post storm, was the right time. Residents have placed so much debris on the sidewalks and near roadsides that it is now posing numerous health and safety concerns. We want this final sweep to be a massive step forward for all our citizens towards rebuilding the City together.”

Citizens will have until May 5th to put their personal debris on the right of way. The City is asking all residents to separate their debris (vegetative, home items such as furniture, and C&D debris that are not produced by a contractor) on the right of way and out of ditches and the roadway. On May 6th, haulers will start their final pickups from the farthest points of the city limits and work inward. They will work from the west side of Lynn Haven (Maryland Avenue) and from the east side (Hilltop Road). The City will post daily maps showing the progress of the haulers. The City will monitor each street to ensure once a street is cleared, that no other debris will be placed out to help prevent and recognize illegal dumping. Once a street is cleared, no additional trucks will be doing pickups and any remaining debris on their property will be the responsibility of the homeowner. Any homeowner who misses this deadline of May 5th will be able to apply for the PPDR program for further assistance. Questions on this program can be answered by the PPDR team at 850-704-5768 or Application are available on the City of Lynn Haven website.

As Mayor Margo Anderson stated, “We ask that all Citizens try to put as much of their debris as possible on the right of ways in the next two weeks. We understand there will still be new debris produced for probably years to come but would like to help our citizens with as much as we can right now. We appreciate everyone’s help in cleaning our City”.

For more information on the final debris pickups please call the Marketing and Communications Team at 850-265-2121 or email