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Make-A-Wish® Central and Northern Florida expands to the Northwest Region of Florida

Make-A-Wish® Central & Northern Florida is establishing a presence in the Northwest Region of Florida to grant more wishes to children with critical illnesses. Make-A-Wish Central & Northern Florida is working to establish a presence across 18 counites in the NW Region of Florida. With individuals, businesses and communities involved supporting Make-A-Wish, we can grant more wishes! Extraordinary things happen to very sick children when they are given permission to dream about something beyond their grasp. A wish experience can help give back what the illness takes away. It can help a child forget about being sick, remember how to be a kid again, and inspire
them to keep making plans for their future.

A wish transforms a child’s life, like Charlotte and her wish to meet a unicorn. Click on the link to see the magical moment Caroline meets her unicorn To learn how you can join the movement in granting wishes by contacting Kathleen Hampton, Director of Development, NW Region, Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida, 407-622-
4673, ext. 201,,